Superhead Karrine Steffans Still in Love with Lil Wayne

lil wayne & superhead

lil wayne & superhead

*It seems that the woman known as Superhead is still in love with rapper Lil Wayne.

Yes, we know, some of you could give a crap, but now that we have your attention

In a new video the actress, model and author recently released, she talks about everything from sexual stimulation and stimulates some acts as well.

In the clip, which shows the ex-porn actress in a bra and panties only, she talks about her marriage but is still professing her love for rapper Lil Wayne, whom she had an extensive relationship with in previous years.

Unfortunately, for all those Superhead fans out there, as the video increases it gets way more sexual but ends with a major tease that will leave all viewers wanting more.

Click here to view the Not Suitable for Work link.

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