Family Psychologist Agrees That Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj Are Teachers And Can Be Awarded

Family Psychologist Agrees That Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj Are Teachers And Can Be Awarded

Rappers Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj

Nationwide (February 10, 2012) -- When Better Education Place announced the winners of its first annual teacher of the year awards, the backlash was immediate. Outrage, outcries and threatening emails ensued because many people could not fathom giving Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj the Teacher of The Year Award.

According to Melvin El, CEO of Better Education Place, "These two rappers had previously been given many awards for their skills; but this award stung. The fact that these particular rappers were given such an award exposed an ugly truth about the contradictions in our society. We can reward rappers for making us dance even with their controversial lyrics but we dare not say it's influencing our children. It seems that now Better Education Place has the support of academia."

Family psychologist, Michael Moss agrees, "They are absolutely teaching our children and teaching them very effectively." He goes on to say that learning isn't something that just happens in the classroom it happens every day in every part of life.

El further comments, "We understand people feel outrage towards some of their controversial lyrics however, we think that their outrage would be better directed at these facts; 44% of American fourth grade students cannot read fluently, Over one million children drop out of school each year, 85% of all juvenile offenders arrested have trouble reading and 45 million adults are functionally illi! terate. The current educational system is based on a 1920's agricultural model, basically a dated system. Therefore, there is no surprise that we face such horrific statistical facts. Better Education Place believes that if we don't do something, our children will be unemployable in this new digital age."

According to El: "Jobs are not disappearing; they're changing. Jobs like toll booth agents, cashiers and even garbage men are being replaced with electronic devices. This means we're going to need high tech careers. All of which take advanced reading skills. Why do you think many teachers agree with the decision? It's simple, most got it. They acknowledge that in many ways we are facing a losing battle if we continue business as usual."

In fact, one teacher referenced the Ellen show and the eight year old little girl Sophie Grace performing every word of Nicki Minaj Super Bass ( as some of the adults in the audience cried. "Sophie was definitely intoxicated by Nicki Minaj's swag, once you understand swag, it makes perfect sense. It means having a supreme confidence in ones-self and that is cool; being cool equals fun. When teachers have the freedom and ability to make reading cool and fun, they will definitely command the attention of their students."

When asked, why do you think so many children and adults cannot read? Mr. El replied, "It's because they view reading as painful and humans tend to move away from pain and toward pleasure."

He continues, "As long as our children view reading and education as hard, difficult or boring, we will see that number of 1 million children dropping out of school a year possibly double. It is ultimately the parent's responsibility to create a love for reading in their children, which is why we created The Read 10,000 program ( to giveaway! a free mini course to parents on how to make reading fun. This program is designed for parents with young children ages 1-8. The goal is to teach children to read early and create that love for reading and learning. If we can get 10,000 parents to do this we can make a huge difference."

For more details about Better Education Place's The Read 10,000 Program, visit

PRESS CONTACT:Melvin ElBetter Education
