Lil Wayne's Crew Accused of Assaulting Photographer, Beating Bicycle With Skateboard

Lil Wayne's ever-present skateboard seems to double as a tool of destruction.

A few days after the debut of Drake's "HYFR" video, featuring Weezy, a police report filed last week in Miami Beach emerged accusing members of Wayne's entourage of assaulting a photographer and beating his bicycle with a skateboard. According to TMZ, the report states that Wayne was among a group skateboarding outside a church (in an area featuring a "No Skateboarding" sign) when a photographer noticed and began snapping photos, which Weezy did not take kindly to. After it started raining, the crew decided to leave, with the photographer trailing them to their car, continuing to take photos.

After Wayne confronted the man, eight men reportedly surrounded the photographer and forced him to delete images from his camera, before allegedly spitting on him, pushing him to the ground, and taking the skateboard in question to the man's bicycle. After the incident, the man went to the Miami Beach Police Department, where he filed the report.

Lil Wayne's representatives did not respond to requests for comment as of press time.
