"Lil Wayne's Put Out More Verses Than Anybody"
Wednesday, Oct 10, 2012 12:10AM
Written by SOHH for Rockie Fresh
SOHH asks two players to name their Top 5 rappers of all-time, then pits their lists head-to-head to see whose hip-hop picks reign supreme. To make things tricky, we've created a "Hall of Fame" of emcees (see right) who are universally respected and therefore may not be mentioned by either player.
[Each week, SOHH asks two entertainment personalities to name their Top 5 rappers of all-time. To make things tricky, we've created a "Hall of Fame" of emcees (see right) who are universally respected and therefore may not be mentioned. After Ca$his dished out his top choices, Maybach Music Group's Rockie Fresh reveals his fave five spitters.]
Kanye West. Chi-Town. He makes a lot of great music and production.
Andre 3000. His verses and the music is just insane. Look at the records he's decided to rap on and the risks that he's taken with his style. Even listening to the singing he's done on songs.
Rick Ross. Consistency. Probably at the start of this year, I never would have thought signing to MMG was a possibility and before ! that, I was a huge fan of all of Ross' albums. He's so consistent. He represents so much. His verses and hits are something the game needs. He's going to be around for a while and definitely deserves to be on the Top 5 right now.
Lil Wayne. Longevity, the amount of records he's put out. I feel like Lil Wayne has put out more verses than anybody that we can name. With me being in high school, his mixtapes used to get a lot of play for a long time while I was in school. He was dropping so much music. He's put out such great work and he's one of the biggest sellers in the music industry. I think it'd be crazy not to put him on that list.
Rockie Fresh. I really put myself on there because coming from Chicago, dealing with rap as a sport, I'm very competitive. I just feel like the lifestyle I've got and the traveling I've been able to do, there's a lot of people listening. I see myself having longevity in the game and that's why I put myself on there.
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