Lil Wayne Ignores Ginuwine & DMX's Barks, Defends Drake's Aaliyah LP [Video]
News: Lil Wayne Ignores Ginuwine & DMX's Barks, Defends Drake's Aaliyah LP [Video]
Thursday, Oct 4, 2012 2:45PM
Written by Cyrus Langhorne
Grammy-winning rapper Lil Wayne is looking past recent complaints by music veterans like DMX and showing full support for Drake's upcoming posthumous Aaliyah album.
Calling the music "awesome," Wayne said Drizzy only has the best intentions behind the project.
"Everybody knows what Aaliyah did and done for music and culture, period," Weezy said in an interview. "It's always good to do that not only for people like that but just for her fans. You know what I mean? And Drake's a very thoughtful person, everybody knows that. It's an awesome collaboration. Her music is still awesome. It's still better than a lot of music out right now." (The Showbiz 411)
Recently, R&B singer Ginuwine admitted he could not co-sign Drizzy's new effort.
In an interview with entertainment website, the R&B singer laid his thoughts on the table when asked about the contentious project. "I don't think he should do it," said Ginuwine. "I don't agree with it." Ginuwine -- who frequently collaborated with Aaliyah in the '90s -- added: "I think he should just leave that alone. I keep hearing about it. I'm not too much up on it but I know a little bit about it. I do know that he's disrespecting Chris and that's just not her ! legacy. That's not how her legacy should be played out. I don't think he should use her to paddle anybody." (VIBE)
Longtime friend Missy Elliott shared a similar sentiment over the posthumous effort.
"No call has been made to me. I have to respect her family, and until they come and say they're ready to do an Aaliyah album then I don't really want to get into that because it's very sensitive. It's not records that already done came out, we're talking about unfinished music. And we don't know what her reasoning for not putting those records out," Missy said in reference to the LP. "Maybe she didn't feel like they were her best work. We just don't want to tap into that, just spiritually something else you know.....very very touchy. Unless her parents came in and conducted that. ... think that the tattoo is real, I did see a picture of it. You know what, let me be know what it is, because he's a human being too. A lot of people may not have met Michael Jackson, but feel they have a connection with him." (Miss Info TV)
Recently, former Def Jam rap star DMX went at the Canadian rapper for not showing respect toward artists Aaliyah worked with.
"Drake," X said when asked what artists he feels are not talented. "He is [talented], he has talent but it's kind of redundant. It's kind of the same all the time, sounds the same, to me, personally, it's like an annoying sound. [noises] It's like a washing machine. [noises] Or a dryer. [noises] You know what, I don't even have to explain why. I just don't like what it is and I'm kind of feeling some kind of way about the fact you've commissioned, you've been blessed, you've been given the opportunity to do the Aaliyah album yet you don't include anybody that she worked with per! sonally? ! What part of the game is that? I'ma tell you why I'm mad, son! There's a reason why I feel the way I feel. How do you do that? How do you disregard what this woman did, what this beautiful angel did." (MTV RapFix)
Check out Lil Wayne's interview below:
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