Lil Wayne Caught Kissing Another Man, KimYe's $10 Million Dream, Chris Brown's Ex Busted Leaving His Crib
SOHH Whatcha Think: Lil Wayne Caught Kissing Another Man, KimYe's $10 Million Dream, Chris Brown's Ex Busted Leaving His Crib
Tuesday, Oct 9, 2012 12:50PM
Written by SOHH On The Spot
Tricky Tuesday. It's all about deception today with Lil Wayne allegedly locking lips with another man? Oh Baby! Speaking of kissing couples, it looks like Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have big plans down in South Beach. Love's a particular hot topic with Chris Brown and his ex-girlfriend. No, not Rihanna but the other gal. All this coming up in SOHH Whatcha Think.
[Editor's Note: The views expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect those of SOHH]
1. This Is A Man's World
It's hard to believe that Lil Wayne would ever find himself in a situation where it looked like he was locking lips with another man. It took years for fans to get over the "Black Mafia" kiss that he and Baby engaged in but surely enough, there's a suspicious photo circulating online that's in need of clarificaiton. Media Take Out has the evidence:
October 09, 2012: Editor's Update: Some people are saying that man "kissing" Lil Wayne is not Stevie J from Love And Hip Hop, but a different Stevie! J. Now we're not sure WHAT we're looking at here. Maybe they just got close . . . maybe it's an accident . . . but the maker of video claims it shows rapper Lil Wayne and Stevie J kissing. The video, which appeared on YouTube yesterday shows Stevie walk over to Wayne, the two get very close (and possibly touch lips). Afterwards Lil Wayne appears to wipe his mouth with his hand. Look at it for yourself, and tell us what YOU think. (Media Take Out)
Oh Baby, Oh Baby, Oh Baby? We are living in a time where artists like Frank Ocean are breaking stereotypes and the sexual preference barrier. But did Wayne and Steve really lock lips? #SOHHWhatchaThink?
2. I'm Going To Miami
If Kanye West and Kim Kardashian were looking for a private getaway, then they are looking in the wrong place. Turns out this love couple are putting up $10 million for a hot spot in one of the hottest spots across the United States, Miami. TMZ has the inside on this:
Kim Kardashian is ready to MOVE IN with Kanye West ... and the two are now officially on the hunt for a home together in Miami ... TMZ has learned. Sources connected to the couple tell us ... K&K have been talking about getting their own place for a couple of months ... and believe Miami is the perfect location because they both love the city. Plus, Kim will be in town for the next couple of months to shoot a reality show with Kourtney. We! 're told ! the Ks checked out 4 homes yesterday -- all waterfront properties -- and the mansions all ranged between $7 and $10 MILLION. It's good to be rich. (TMZ)
Considering how much they travel, investing up to $10 million on a crib in Miami doesn't sound like the smartest thing. But then again, when you're KimYe, the world is always watching, so might as well go out with a bang. #SOHHWhatchaThink?
3. In Tran-sit
Just when you think you're out, they pull you back in? Turns out all the partying and clubbing that Karrueche Tran got reported doing was all for not as she's found herself going back to Chris Brown. No Chris Brown? BIG Problem. Sandra Rose has the inside on how busted Tran got:
According to the paparazzi, Karrueche Tran's blue sports car was seen parked outside of Brown's home for the past couple of nights. The same paparazzi caught pics of an exhausted Karrueche wobbling to her car after spending the night with her ex. By juggling two (or more) women, Chris Brown is only doing what God put him on earth to do. As you know, man's purpose on earth is to be fruitful and multiply. It is not healthy for a woman to expect her man to stick to her schedule of intercourse 3-4 times a week. A man must evacuate his oysters daily to remain healthy. (Sandra Rose)
Is there really anything else you can say about this situation? It'd be great to think that she could be independent and appreciate the ride that she was on (no pun intended), but the way this all looks makes you think she went begging for Chris again. #SOHHWhatch! aThink?
That about wraps it up for today. This is SOHH On The Spot giving you the morning scoop from your favorite gossip blogs.
[Editor's Note: The views expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect those of SOHH]
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