Lil Wayne Reportedly Hires Body Guards To Protect Ex-Wife

Posted: September 4, 2012

Lil Wayne Body Guards Memphitz

Rapper and producer Lil Wayne has reportedly hired a squadron of body guards to watch over his ex-wife Toya Wright following allegations that her new flame has a history of physical abuse, according to The Urban Daily. The rumors come hot on the heels of a revelation made on the popular VH1 show Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta, prompting Wayne to take immediate precautions.

During a recent storyline on the aforementioned cable reality show, star K. Michelle revealed that she was frequently abused by Mickey Memphitz Wright, a claim that the record producer and his camp have vehemently denied. However, the rumors are enough to make Lil Wayne take notice, especially considering his ex-wife recently tied the knot with Memphitz.

In order to keep his ex-wife and BET reality star Toya Wright and daughter Reginae safe and sound, the rapper has hired a few body guards to keep a close eye on the situation. The Miami Herald reports that the extra protection will run the musician roughly $10,000 per month. When it comes to providing safety for his family, Lil Wayne apparently doesnt like to cut costs.

You bet that Lil Wayne is concerned, a close friend of Toya Wright explained. He mostly wants to make sure their daughter never gets caught in the middle of anything.

Memphitz, meanwhile, has denied the allega! tions. A spokesperson from the producers camp has not yet commented on the bodyguard rumors.

However, things arent all bad in Lil Waynes world. His latest mixtape Dedication 4 was recently released, much to the delight of those who have come to appreciate the rappers musical endeavors.

The reason why Im recording mixtapes is because Ive grown a whole fan base that just loves Wayne mixtapes, he explained to Mixtape Daily. Me being the generous dude I am, I have to cater to those people, so thats why I do the mixtapes now.

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