Lil Wayne's High Schoolers In X-Rated Music Video, NFL Hired Lingerie Football League Refs, Game Robs 50 Cent?

We-wind Wednesday. So it's a made-up word, some things just aren't right, like Lil Wayne getting a bunch of high school kids for an x-rated video? Uh-oh. If hot and sexy is what we're talking about, then the NFL knew what they were doing by hiring referees from the Lingerie Football League? Score? And what better way for Game to show his ex-boss some love than by stealing his Street King truck? All this coming up in SOHH Whatcha Think.

[Editor's Note: The views expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect those of SOHH]

1. Luv Dem Strippers

Things are really going down around Lil Wayne's neck of the woods. A day after his witty deposition tapes leaked online, now there's more bad press headed his way with reports of him getting some high school students in an x-rated video. Media Take Out has the inside:

September 26, 2012: The ish is about to hit the fan in Miami. learned that the new video for BANDS A MAKE HER DANCE - a skrip club anthem made by Juicy J, Lil Wayn, and 2 Chainz, has a HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND in it. Here's how the Miami Herald is reporting it: The video for Bandz A Make Her Dance, released Sunday, features Northwestern High School six drummers -- in their signature royal blue and gold uniforms, white headdress and MNW insignia -- in the background as the three rappers take turns spitting verses about the particulars of pole dancing. "It's just outrageous to think you have an individual take advantage of a school and students for a video,'' said Northwestern Principal Wallace Aristide. "They're playing their instruments and thinking it's something innocent, wearing our uniforms, only later to find out they edited the video with racy content," Aristide said. (Media Take Out)

Hide your kids, hide your ! wife? This is a bit tasteless even for Lil Wayne. Students getting exposed to naked women? But then at the same time, is it anything that haven't already seen on their iPhone, iPad, MacBooks? #SOHHWhatchaThink?

2. Hail Marries

Not everyone is a football fan but in some way or another, you've gotten buzzed about the controversy going down in the NFL. If you're watching the news, there's a segment on it, if you're watching ESPN, there's a whole 30 minutes dedicated to it and if you're a Green Bay Packers fan, well, you get the drift. Bossip has a pretty big shocker for anyone that's ever taken the NFL seriously in the past:


If these shady azz referees weren't even competent enough to officiate in the "Lingerie Football League," how in the FAWK did the NFL believe these clowns could handle the pros?? [After the controversial finish to Monday night's game between the Packers and the Seahawks, the seat the replacement referees - and NFL Commissioner Rodger Goodell - currently occupy went from hot to scalding. Making matters even worse is this statement , posted to the official Facebook and Twitter account of the Lingerie Football League by LFL Commissioner Mitchell Mortaza, claiming that officiating crews currently working in the NFL were fired by the all-girl football league due to incompetence. It reads: Because of the LFL's perception it is that much more critical for us to hire officiating crews that are competent, not only for the credibility of our game but to keep our athletes safer. Due to several on-field incompetent officiating we chose to part ways with with a couple crews which apparently are now offici! ating in ! the NFL. We have a lot of respect for our officials but we felt the officiating was not in line with our expectations. We have not made public comment to date because we felt it was not our place to do so. However in light of tonight's event, we felt it was only fair that NFL fans knew the truth as to who are officiating these games.] (Bossip)

Something about the idea of a referee that's used to judging half-dressed women get all sweaty and still look cute doesn't sit well for most people. Think twice before betting on another Monday Night Football game in the near future. #SOHHWhatchaThink?

3. I Love My Boss

Although Game and 50 Cent aren't the best pals anymore, they seem to have an undying connection to one another. No matter how many times we think the "beef" is over and done with, something happens that maks us all remember that dreadful G-UNOT campaign. All Hip Hop Rumors has the latest on Game's antics:


The Game is one big contradiction, isn't he? Not even one month after he announced that he had been baptized and that his next album, Jesus Piece, was going to be a Christian album, the rapper is back to his old bullying ways. Today, the West Coast emcee saw an opportunity to cause some mischief in the life of his nemesis 50 Cent and took it. The rapper spotted a truck branded with 50 Cent's energy drink, SK, and hijacked the drinks. Check out the photo he instagram'ed. (All Hip Hop Rumors)

W! ill there! ever be an end to this silliness? Or maybe the bigger question that we don't want to ask is, would we ever want it to end? Honestly. #SOHHWhatchaThink?

That about wraps it up for today. This is SOHH On The Spot giving you the morning buzz from your favorite gossip sites.

[Editor's Note: The views expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect those of SOHH]
