Lil Wayne Pulled Nicki Minaj From Summer Jam Because She's Female

Lil Wayne, whose sexist lyrics have pissed off grown-up feminists and five-year-old feminists alike, explained that he pulled Nicki Minaj from Summer Jam because women ought to be respected.

In a move that showed little respect for the authority of the woman in question, Lil Wayne, who signed Minaj to his record label in 2009, pulled her from Hot 97's Summer Jam concert earlier this month, after she was insulted by a DJ from the station, who said one of her songs was not "real hip-hop." Weezy announced his decision, respectfully, on Twitter.

He explained himself for the first time inan interview that aired onMTV Newson Monday.

First of all, I approached the situation like this: that's a female, first and foremost. Nicki Minaj is a female. I don't know what anyone else believe, but I believe that females deserve the ultimate respect at all times no matter what, where, when or how. So as soon as she called me and said she felt disrespected, I just declined everything and pulled her from the show because first of all, no person that works with me - because no one works for me - no person that works with me will be disrespected in my presence as long as I'm on this planet.

After the video was posted online, The Internets jumped on Twitter and the comment sections hip-hop blogs to weigh in on Weezy's proclamations.

(viaRolling Stone)

(via HipHopDX)

Cue theAretha.

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