Lil Wayne to voice character in new Pixar dinosaur movie?

January 4, 2013 22:08

The rapper could be starring in animated movie 'The Good Dinosaur'

Lil Wayne to voice character in new Pixar dinosaur movie?

Photo: PA

Lil Wayne is reportedly set to voice a lead character in Pixar's new animated movie, The Good Dinosaur.

Directed by Bob Peterson and Peter Sohn [Up], the film is about dinosaurs and humans inhabiting the world together.

News of Lil Wayne's role in the film comes via Miss Info. The film isn't set for release until May 30, 2014 and most of the information about the movie is still under wraps.

Last year, Lil Wayne stated that he will release just two more albums before retiring from music, perhaps leading to a move into the film industry.

The rapper is due to release his next album 'I Am Not A Human Being II' this year. He told MTV News that it will be his penultimate album with just one more record, 'The Carter', to follow.

Speaking to reporters about his career and feeling old at 30, Wayne said: "I know y'all want me around for a little bit, and Carter V is my last album. Man, I've been rapping since I was 8 years old. I'm 30 now, man. That's a lo! ng time, man."

He added: "When I love to do something, I'm fully focused on it and it only. And music sometimes is not that 'it'."

"I signed my contract at 11, I went platinum at 14. I'm 30 now. Thank God I haven't put out an album that hasn't went platinum. To just keep it going like that, I think not only am I being greedy, I'm fooling myself to think that it will continue to be that great."


