Lil Wayne and His Crew Got Into a Fight with NFL Player Dez Bryant?

Thursday, January 19th 2012 | Leave a Comment

Lil Waynes name has been brought up in an altercation that went down over the weekend.

According to published reports, the Hip-Hop star and his entourage allegedly got into a fight with NFL star Dez Bryant at LIV nightclub in Miami.

The incident reportedly occurred after a member of Waynes crew made fun of Bryant and his legal woes.

The Dallas Morning News writes that the fight started over someone mocking Bryant about a subpar season and a mounting personal debt crisis. (Bryant was threatened with a lawsuit in December by the Endurance Capital Fund, which claimed the former Oklahoma State star hadnt paid off a $100,000 loan. [AHH]

Bryants mentor David Wells says the NFL player wasnt arrested after the incident and so far no police report has been filed.

Neither Lil Wayne or his camp have spoken out or confirmed being involved.

However, If you can recall in the past Lil Wayne has never held back in going head-to-head with athletes so this wouldnt be the most surprising!

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Filed: Football, Pure Craziness, Rumors, Sports, Sports News, You can't be serious! | Tags: , ,


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