5 Things Lil Wayne Needs To Make "Dedication 4" A Classic

First, the good news: Lil Wayne is releasing a new mixtape, Dedication 4, next month. Now, the bad news: It's not 2007 anymore, so we have absolutely no idea how good that mixtape will be.

We don't necessarily mean that as a slight against Wayne, either. While it'd be easy for us to sit here and bash him for putting out mixtapes like Dedication 3 and Sorry 4 The Wait in recent years that, truth be told, didn't come close to matching the greatness of some of his early mixtapes like Dedication 2 and Da Drought 3, we understand why he's struggled a bit. The guy has put out a massive amount of music over the years, and it'd be damn near impossible for him to match the energy and intensity that he had on his early projects. But, we also have to temper our excitement for a new Weezy projecteven if it is part of his Dedication series with DJ Dramawhen we think back and remember that it's been almost three years since he released a mixtape project in No Ceilings that we really loved front to back. Three years!

No worries, though. To help him achieve greatness again, we've got a list of the 5 Things Lil Wayne Needs To Do To Make Dedication 4 A Success. If he can do even one or two of these things, he'll have a solid mixtape on his hands. If he can nail all five? Well, he might just be able to regain the buzz that he had going for him a few years ago. Either way, we can't wait to hear what he's got in store for us.
