Video: Flashmob Performs Lil Wayne's 'How to Love' on the Red Line
A group of Angelenos stormed the Red Line this month hoping to share the love with commuters by singing an a capella version of Lil Wayne's "How to Love" on the Red Line.
KCET's Kelly Simpson joined the crew and can be seen singing a solo and wrote this dispatch from the flashmob event:
Subway performers traditionally pull out a collection plate after the final note, so L.A. passengers were surprised -- and somewhat wary -- of music for music's sake and the subsequent cheer from random strangers. In Los Angeles especially, a car-centric city anomalous with human interaction, people seem unaccustomed to social interactions in public spaces. With this in mind, I was nervous during our first performance, which took place at peak travel hours, but soon took great pleasure in singing to strangers. There's overlooked power in making a complete stranger smile, or in one case, dance.
For more videos from The Love Project visit the group's website.
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